Thursday, June 26, 2014

Jessie's Blog: A successful and meaningful life

Hi Everyone:

 I have been thinking about what it means to have a meaningful and successful life. I have heard many athletes, including myself, say "if only I had a boyfriend/girlfriend, job, car, children (or fill in the blank), I would have a meaningful and successful life."  It's easy to think that when looking at your family, friends, and others to see what they have, and think they have a happy, easy life when their differences may be less obvious to a casual observer.  I have three sisters who are married with children, and it's easy for me to become envious of what they have. It's hard for me to realize that they also have to work for what they have and that it's not handed to them. They also struggle to find their own sense of purpose and success in their lives.

 I have to work harder in some areas than other people have to, and I have a different way of defining meaning and success for myself. Part of what makes my life meaningful is being part of Special Olympics both as an athlete and a volunteer. We athletes have to work harder and find new paths and overcome different obstacles than other people. The athletes of SO are diverse in terms of their challenges and abilities, and we must define our own meanings of success. Special Olympics helps add meaning and success to our lives by allowing us to go beyond what we thought we were capable of doing. Thank you Special Olympics for being part of all of our lives.


 Jessie Salness
> Lebanon County Special Olympics Athlete Representative

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Jessie's Blog: A Great Day for Fishing

On Saturday, June 14th, I had the pleasure of attending the Lebanon County Special Olympics fishing event sponsored by the Lebanon R Field & Stream Sports Club.  The R Field & Stream members stocked their pond for this event, and provided the reels and bait for our use.  The members were also on hand to teach and encourage us Athletes in pursuit of the Great Catch!  Quite a few fish were caught, along with a few trees... Whoops!  I don't think there are tree-fish!!!  Many Athletes had lots of success, whereas I, on the hand, was happy to catch one catfish!  The Sports Club members cleaned and cooked the fish, and helped serve the fish, hamburgers, hot dogs, and French fries to the happy, hungry Athletes!

Jerry Wolfe, an R Field & Stream member and LC SOPA supporter, mentioned an idea for a fishing event at the last LC SOPA Annual Dinner/Auction in March.  Working with Jim Deininger, President of R Field & Stream, and Judi Lentz, an R Field & Stream member and active supporter of LC SOPA, they coordinated all of the details for this event.  Not only did R Field & Stream Sports Club sponsor this fishing event, but they also sponsored the LC SOPA's last two Dinner/Auction events!

Thank you Jim, Jerry, and Judi, and R Field & Stream Sports Club for all of your longtime, continued support of Lebanon County Special Olympics.  We Athletes truly appreciate all of your support and hard work, and we really enjoyed the "fruits of our efforts" at this fun fishing event!

Jessie Salness
Lebanon County Special Olympics Athlete Representative

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Jessie's Blog: The Importance of Attending Practice

Hi Everyone:

I was recently thinking about how important practice is to our success in Lebanon County Special Olympics' competitions.  Practice is important for at least three reasons right off the top of my head.  There are many reasons to attend practice consistently, as I'm sure you have many of your own, but here are a few of mine I'd like to highlight.

One, practice gives us the time to learn the skills needed in our respective sports.  Learning the skills and repetitious practice better prepares us for improving in our various sports.  For those athletes that compete, these skills will come more naturally as a result of regular practice.

Secondly, it's good for us to show up for practice because it showcases the commitment we've made to improving ourselves. It proves that we are doing this for ourselves, that WE have made a commitment and we are following through with it!  Each individual helps make up the team, and part of being a team is showing up to practice!

Lastly, Special Olympics is based on the principle of equal opportunities.  One way of determining whom among us will go to competition is to base it on attendance on practice, especially since everyone would like the opportunity to compete.  As much as we'd like everyone to participate in competitions, it is not possible as there are only so many designated athlete allotments.

No one person or team competes to the best of their abilities without putting the time and effort into practice.  Let's renew our commitment to attending practice consistently.  Attending practice regularly will increase our skill level and confidence, and will help determine which athletes will participate in competitions.

Now let's see if we can all put this into "practice!"


Jessie Salness
Lebanon County Special Olympics Athlete Representative